Key Points: Sustainability (soft plastics reaching the ocean) Nature Kanji; 山, 木, 田んぼ, 土, 花、,川、海 Kanji numbers up to 20 |
In Year 1 and 2, students are still focussing on oral and aural language but, in this book's activities, begin to copy and trace hiragana and kanji, matching meaning to Japanese words and meaning.
General Capabilities and Cross Curriculum PrioritiesSS2
Sustainable patterns of living require the responsible use of resources, maintenance of clean air, water and soils, and preservation or restoration of healthy environments. Digital Literacy Level 2 (Years 1-2) follow agreed rules for the healthy use of digital tools and apply them at school and home |
SummativeStudents in Year 1 and 2 can still have a focus on formative assessment. Checklists can be very useful in marking off the general level of students' work when completing numerous activities. Select suggested formative activities on the left, that will suit your individual teaching circumstance. Print the pages from the workbook that appeal to you and are useful for your students' levels and they can be used as part of this process. |